how to apply for infolinks


what is infolinks

Search what Infolinks smart ads can do for you and start making money from site or blog today! Join now free  and monetize your content with infolinks.

InfoLink Limited is a Nationwide Bangladeshi internet service provider   and IT solution company working in the field of broadband internet, connectivity, softwaredevelopment and networking solutions.  the first company in Bangladesh to commercially deploy their-assembled kiosks, and also does many social activities.[4]on 24 May 2017 Infolink Successfully started commercial IPv6 beta deployment to end user for the first time in Bangladesh.

how to setup infolinks


Signing up for Infolinks is quick and easy. you need to do is fill the form and integrate the code into your site for  ads .
Follow these  easy steps to Join Infolinks now:
Complete our brief sign-up form.

  • INFOLINK team will review your application within 48 hours.
  • When approved you will be able to integrate the Infolinks Ads into your web pages.
  • you can Start earning revenue immediately!

  • When you’ve been approved you can login to the Publisher Center .


  • Wordpress -
  1. Infolinks - Innovative Ads Powered by Intent Create Account
  2. Download Infolinks WordPress plugin
  3. Install and activate it
  4. Settings > Infolinks In Text Ads
  5. Login to Infolinks account
  6. Copy PID and Website ID to plugin Settings
Installation guide:
On your WordPress Site, choose Plugins and upload the file.Scroll down to inactive plugins, find the Infolinks plugin, and click activate.Enter the settings Like below
  • Bloggers/Blogspot -
  1. Login into your Blogger account, click on
  2.  Template and then on Edit HTML.
  3. Find  closing html tag in the source code and paste the Infolinks script in head .
  4. To Find your Infolinks script,  login to your Infolinks account and click on the Integrate tab.
  5. Now the script is in your Blogger template, click on Save Template.
WHAT IS INFOLINKS AND how to setup infolinks on  blogger

WHAT IS INFOLINKS AND how to setup infolinks on  blogger 

After the setup and installation if You Have  contents and without Damaging Any guideline then as soon as infolinks will sent approval mail within 2 days.

In this Artical  I will tell you how to add Infolinks to Blogger .
Infolinks have developed an Infolinks Blogger widget. With  you can instantly integrate Infolinks ads to your blogger.


Add the code to your blogger you need to login into your Infolinks account and click Integration Guide safely.
Now select your website to which you want to add Infolinks code and then click to Add ads to your blog.
After that clicking Add Infolinks to your blogger you will be taken to the Blog. Now you just have to click on Add Widget to set the Blog widget.
